Organic Bio Beet Kvass Brain Tonic – Recharge (150ml)


If circulation, stamina, brain health and the ability to function well under stress are areas you would like to support then RECHARGE Kvass is for you.

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SKU: OBBKBT150 Category:


TASTE SENSATION:  One of our favourites: berry and beet sweet combined with salty, earthy and sour (lemony).


RECHARGE Kvass has all the health benefits of a lacto-fermented functional food and fermented Beetroot. (See What the Kvass).

With RECHARGE we wanted to support an increase in performance under stress (physical, emotional or environmental) with three well researched adaptogens – ashwaganda, siberian ginseng and rhodiola rosea. Hawthorn berries and gingko biloba further support circulation and increases brain oxygenation. Fresh turmeric root increases anti-inflammatory properties and brahmi plus gotu kola improve cognition, concentration and memory. Bilberry supports eye health.

If circulation, stamina, brain health and the ability to function well under stress are areas you would like to support then RECHARGE Kvass is for you. 

Caution: if pregnant, breastfeeding or taking medication please consult a health practitioner before use.

“Absolutely love the new Recharge blend – so clever!” Maxime Nolten

“I’m really proud to sell Bio-Beet Kvass at our store Organic on Charles. They have been developed to try to get the best health outcomes for their consumers and they taste great too!” Loren

AVAILABLE IN: 150ML, 500ML & 750ML


  • Beets*
  • fresh turmeric root*
  • brahmi*
  • gotu kola*
  • ginkgo biloba*
  • bilberry*
  • hawthorn berry*
  • ashwaganda*
  • siberian ginseng*
  • rhodiola rosea
  • Celtic sea salt
  • spring water
  • hand-made biodynamic starter.

*Certified Organic.

Additional information

Weight0.25 kg